Charlton is a lovely little town situated on the banks of the Avoca River. It is a wheat, oats and barley growing town. The Charlton feedlot is the largest beef feedlot in Victoria. Wool and fat lambs also contribute to the local economy here. Ed found us a lovely place to stay….on the Wikicamps App. We didn’t need power, so we opted for the non-powered site up the back, away from other people. We have a great spot in amongst the green lawn and lovely flowering wattle trees. We have water on tap, so we can use our own shower and own washing machine, which is great. Beautiful Grevillea and Wattle. The weather has been cool at night, but the diesel heater does the job and so does the hot water bottle. I did get up in the night to re-heat the water bottle and found the temperature at O degree…. 🥶 The days here though are just beautiful with cloudless blue skies. So as the sign says, we paid $10 for the first night and the next two nights were free. There has been so much to see her