North Pine Dam, also known as Lake Samsonvale, was constructed in 1976 

It is part of the South East Queensland Water Grid. It stores drinking water for the people of north Brisbane and Moreton Bay, which is where we are staying.

So in other words….we don’t want anyone peeing in our pool πŸ˜‚

The Dam was designed for water storage only.
As such, there was no flood mitigation capacity in mind…..(meaning there is no management and control of flood water movement, such as redirecting flood run-off through the use of flood walls and flood gates.)

As such, during flood seasons the location of the dam spillway causes local flooding of the road. 

The dam wall is also one of the few in Queensland to be located upstream of a large urban area, and in the event of overtopping or Dam failure, 
Geoscience Australia suggests that the downstream urban population would be flooded in 3 hours !!😳😳😳

Well that’s comforting to know for all the beautiful homes in the area with their livestock! Sheesh!

Apart from that.πŸ€”……it’s such a beautiful area.


Ed found a lovely cool place to sit and look through Berties binoculars. ❤️

This is a lookout where you can see the size of the Dam with Mount Mee and the D’Aguilar National Park in the background. 

It would be nice to visit the National Park, but as it’s summer, there’s just a few too many reptiles around, so we will leave that till those reptiles go nite nite 🐍πŸͺ±πŸ and hibernate for Winter. Then we might come back. 

As you can see, we picked a very quiet day. That’s our car in the car park…..and see the tree growing on the roof of the shelter. Amazing how trees will just grow anywhere. 

And that’s Ed reading all about the area. It’s amazing what travel does for you. 
Ed would never bother to read anything but the sports section in the newspaper.

But now he soaks up all the information. When we watch a quiz show and they ask a question regarding towns in Australia…..he answers the question, then looks at me and says……he would never have known that answer if we had not travelled. I’m the same, its amazing the knowledge you gain…….but can’t remember where I put my phone or what day it is 🀷‍♀️🀦‍♀️πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Take care everyone. ❤️❤️❤️


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